Humanising Energy

A global community making energy transitions happen

The World Energy Council is the oldest independent and impartial energy community, connecting leaders, industries, governments and innovators across the world.

With a presence in over 100 countries, our national Member Committees, partners, programmes and Future Energy Leaders are driving impact and meeting whole energy system challenges.

Find out more

Series 2 of Humanising Energy is now live. Take a never-before seen look at the people living the daily change of energy transitions. Produced for the World Energy Council by BBC StoryWorks.

World Energy Congress 202626-29 October 2026

Find out more about the 27th World Energy Congress in Riyadh

Working towards successful

Energy transition

The World Energy Council actively contributes the insights needed by energy leaders to make effective strategic, policy and business decisions about the energy transition. We provide reliable data, useful tools and impartial comment.

Our interactive Energy Transition Toolkit includes five comprehensive tools that can be used together or separately. They have been proven to drive effective change and bring us closer to achieving a successful energy transition.

"These tools are invaluable because they’re flexible, scalable and adaptable. They give weight to our thinking and allow us to develop strategies so that we can work on the practical solutions needed to tackle energy transition."

transition toolkit



Join the World Energy Council

Engage in strategic dialogue with the energy leaders of today and the future, build capabilities and help shape the energy future.