
2016 World Energy Issues Monitor

The 2016 WORLD ENERGY ISSUES MONITOR  A climate of innovation – responding to the commodity price storm, samples the views of CEOs, Ministers and experts from across the globe to highlight the critical uncertainties facing the sector. The aim of this report is to ensure that energy leaders across the world better understand the reality of their operating environment so that they can make more informed decisions towards a sustainable energy future.

This year’s report finds that energy leaders are most concerned about commodity prices, the ongoing effects of economic slowdown and continued climate framework uncertainty, while issues of new market design and electric storage are rapidly gaining prominence. Meanwhile, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), unconventionals and nuclear are suffering from the current context.

The report also finds that the ability to finance the transition to a sustainable energy system keeps energy leaders busy at work. There is a growing acknowledgement that adaptation to new resilience challenges - cyber threats, extreme weather risks and the energy-water nexus will require attention and funding, while smart innovation and regional interconnection are also being recognised as being key parts of the solution.

Now in its seventh year, the 2016 World Energy Issues Monitor represents the insights of over 1,200 energy leaders in 90 countries and provides over 30 individual national monitors across six regions to highlight differing regional and national priorities. It brings together the viewpoint of both industry and policy leaders along with experts from the World Energy Council’s community.

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