26th World Energy Congress

22.04.24 - 25.04.2024

Rotterdam Ahoy, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

22-25 April 2024

LocationGlobal Congress

26th World Energy Congress

From 22-25 April 2024, all eyes will be on Rotterdam as more than 7,000 international energy stakeholders convene for the 26th World Energy Congress. This most prestigious and influential global event, hosted at the highest political level, welcomes leaders from all corners of the world as they come together to enable solutions and deliver impact under the theme ‘Redesigning Energy for People and Planet’.

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Erasmus Bridge, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

In the wake of multiple once-in-a-lifetime energy shocks, there has never been a more important time for the conversations and connections that will secure new possibilities of better energy. The 26th World Energy Congress will explore the role of connected energy societies in driving forward global energy transitions in today’s less predictable, more turbulent and faster shifting world.

The Congress will provide unparalleled opportunities to engage in leadership dialogue and innovative thinking with peers. With more than 60 sessions and 100 exhibitors across 30,000 sqm. of exhibition space attracting 18,000 attendees over four days, the Congress connects and inspires experienced and future energy leaders and practitioners from around the world.

Together we will build on the energy lessons of the past, transform bold vision into action and inspire the next 100 years of world energy. Join us in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and be part of this truly memorable moment.



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