World Energy Leaders' Dialogues

World Energy Leaders' Dialogues

World Energy Leaders’ Dialogues are private, high-calibre events designed and curated for our global energy leadership community. These exclusive gatherings are a platform to spark dialogue on the critical energy issues affecting all sectors, industries, societies and the planet, with peer-to-peer exchange that clarify action priorities and realise new opportunities for collaboration.

The Dialogues build on the World Energy Council’s unique ability to convene a powerful community and facilitate leadership discussion on a whole energy system transition. Conventional thinking is challenged and new strategies and solutions are explored. The Dialogues typically make use of the Council’s well-respected Energy Transition Toolkit to guide themes and open debate.

The World Energy Leaders' Dialogue series includes the Ministerial, CEO and Mayors' Roundtables at the World Energy Congress, World Energy Leaders’ Summits and the Indaba Energy Leaders' Dialogue. Previous editions have been hosted in Aberdeen, Tallinn, Cape Town, Mexico City, Bariloche, Milan and Lisbon.

Previous World Energy Leaders' Summits

The private and exclusive World Energy Leaders’ Dialogue 2021 was hosted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of the Republic of Estonia in partnership with the World Energy Council.

As the world strives to recover from crisis, wider collaboration and broader innovation is essential to keep global energy transition on track. Multiple transition pathways have emerged which reflects increasing diversity in regional energy systems.

In the shift to digital energy services, value generation is moving closer to the end user and the contours of the new customer-centric energy system are becoming clear. 

Under the theme “From Transition to Transformation”, participants were invited to explore these topics by joining the World Energy Council’s top CEO and Ministerial community in an interactive, peer-to-peer exchange on the current state and future outlook for digitalised energy systems.

In 2020, the World Energy Leaders’ Summit took place digitally on Thursday 8th October 12.00 – 14.00 (UTC+1). 

The dramatic impact of the COVID-19 crisis across all sectors, regions and society resulted in the largest capital reallocation ever seen. The global energy sector was one of the most severely affected. Businesses and governments around the world faced unprecedented challenges in developing recovery plans to grapple with a global health emergency and progress successful energy transition.

Under the theme 'Emerging from a crisis stronger and faster together', the World Energy Leaders’ Summit provided a private and informal dialogue for our CEO and Ministerial community to engage and exchange with peers on the impacts of crisis and recovery plans, and to take part in a live solutions-finding discussion at a time which calls for an exceptional leadership response.

Hosted during the 24th World Energy Congress, the World Energy Leader's 2019 agenda built on insights generated by the Council’s studies and energy leaders transition toolkit, which include: the Grand Transition Energy Scenarios 2060, the annual Energy Policy Trilemma Index and, the annual Issues Monitor. The Summit was an opportunity for energy leaders to engage in deeper dialogue on actionable insights that are relevant to the diversity of regional energy systems under global energy transition.

The World Energy Leaders’ Summit Bariloche, held within the margins of the 2018 G20 Energy Transitions Ministerial meeting, explored top issues on the G20 energy agenda such as access to affordable sustainable energy and preparing for disruptive technologies and innovative business models. In a series of high-level dialogues, more than 100 Ministers and CEOs from across the world convened to deepen their understanding of energy transition and transformation at a critical time for the energy sector.

As the energyThe World Energy Leaders’ Summit Bariloche mix continues to change and policies begin to favour and enable renewables and low emission energy sources, the role of gas, nuclear and unconventional sources has become a matter of great debate. In the session ‘The grand transition: Regional pathways to a new and better energy future’ energy leaders debated where the LAC region, abundant in energy resources and constrained infrastructures, currently stands in the grand energy transition.

World Energy Council Secretary General Christoph Frei commented: “The Latin American continent is making irreversible progress on the energy transition path with varying priorities and economic contexts across the region. A long-term strategic vision that is in line with global targets and commitments, as well as short term roadmaps to achieve the targets are equally important for driving the energy transition in the region and globally.

“Most countries view regional integration critical to sharing resources, enhance system resilience and create opportunities to increase energy access. Agendas of sector reform and sunsetting subsidies to attract capital and enable technology are in advanced stages in many countries throughout the region. In a smaller number of countries, the focus has turned to accelerating digitalisation and promoting innovation.”

The principLatin American Energy Forumal regional energy event in South America, the Latin American Energy Forum, also took place in Bariloche ahead of the World Energy Leaders' Summit. Organised in partnership with the Council’s Argentine member committee and national government, the Latin American Energy Forum promoted the idea of integrating to optimise renewable resources, reduce costs and have a greater, efficient market. Argentina is aiming to reach 30% renewables by 2030. Other points of interest included the importance of long-term political stability. Currently, the political environment within LAC remains highly relevant to ensuring the energy transition in the region is smooth.

There was some difference in opinion on what should take precedence: regulation or innovation. Should innovation come first and be regulated, or regulation, allowing for innovation? The other points of discussion were the role of the diverse actors in the energy sector and whether Latin America can innovate and be a leader in the energy transition or follow in the footsteps of global trends. Finally, there was strong debate among participants on the role of the state within the energy sector. Is the private sector more efficient through the privatisation of large corporations in the sector, or should the state have a relevant role in the control of those companies?

The World Energy Leaders' Summit Istanbul took place as part of the 23rd World Energy Congress. Co-hosted by the Government of Turkey, the Summit included a CEO Roundtable and a Trilemma Ministerial Roundtable exclusively for Ministers, CEOs and selected high-level guests.

Under the themes of 'A climate of innovation' and 'Balancing the energy policy trilemma at a time of transition', the agenda focused on issues that keep global energy leaders awake at night, as identified by the World Energy Council’s Issues Monitor, and key insights from the Council’s studies.

Under the theme of 'The Africa Energy Trilemma: Unleashing the power of regional market creation', the World Energy Leaders' Summit Addis Ababa took place during the World Energy Council Executive Assembly week. Co-hosted with the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, the Summit consisted of a private CEO Roundtable and Trilemma Ministerial Roundtable, as well as a joint lunch with the Ethiopian government.

The Summit took place at a time when the world’s energy consumption and demand is increasing exponentially,  presenting many challenges and opportunities for Africa. Africa’s energy sector is in transition and has long been working to widen energy access to unlock the region’s potential. If successful, Africa can be a global player in the production and the supply of energy for the greater good of all.

Some of the key issues addressed at the Summit included the next steps towards regional integration, new business models and renewable energy development, as well as the role of natural gas and LNG in the region.

The World Energy Leaders' Summit Manila, which took place at the Asia Clean Energy Forum, was co-hosted by the Asian Development Bank at their headquarters in Manila and attended by more than 50 delegates from over 30 countries, included six government ministers and senior officials from Hong Kong, Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines and China.

The World Energy Council was once again pleased to be a co-organiser of the Asia Clean Energy Forum, which was addressed by our Co-Chair, Younghoon David Kim, our Secretary General, Christoph Frei and fellow World Energy Council leaders and members.

The agenda build upon insights gained from the Council’s ongoing studies, including its Scenarios, policy Trilemma rating for countries, and Issues Monitor. The Summit also featured the Trilemma Ministerial Roundtable for the Council’s ministerial and CEO community.

The World Ennergy Leaders' Summit Cartagena, co-hosted by the President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos, was attended by over 190 participants from 64 countries, including 17 Ministers.

President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia welcomed energy ministers and energy department officials from Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uruguay. Ministers from Algeria, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Russia, the UAE, and the USA also joined the talks.

Ecopetrol, Pemex, EDF, E.ON, Russian Grids, CAF, Alstom, Glencore, Enel, Fluor, Siemens, and Eletrobras were among the organisations sending senior leadership representation to the Summit.

Some of the key issues included the implications of the shale gas revolution on the region, next steps towards regional integration, the broader long-term scenarios and renewables outlook for the region, as well as the relevant policy implications.

The World Energy Leaders' Summit AstanaThe World Energy Leaders' Summit Astana was co-hosted by the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan and the World Energy Council. Held in the margins of the Astana Economic Forum (AEF), the Summit brought together energy leaders from 26 countries, including 10 prime ministers and senior government officials from 8 countries.

The ministers were joined by CEOs and heads of energy companies from 14 countries, including Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, France, Italy, India, Kazakhstan, Korea, Russia, Switzerland, UAE, UK and the USA.

Key topics included the implications of the shale gas revolution on the region, next steps in energy storage technology, the opportunities in regional energy infrastructure development, as well as the relevant policy implications.

world energy leadersThe World Energy Leaders' Summit New Delhi was co-hosted by the Minister of State for Power, the Union Secretary of Power and the Chair of the World Energy Council. Over 80 energy leaders and ministers from 30 countries met with representatives of the Government of India to exchange views with the Council's energy leaders’ community on critical and emerging issues facing the energy industry.

Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) addressed the Summit by video. She told delegates: “The trilemma identified by the World Energy Council is synonymous with addressing the challenge of climate change… The only way to address this triple challenge is to interlink the three parts of the solution: the international regulatory framework, national policy development, and private sector investment.”

Attendees were also given an exclusive preview of the results of the Issues Monitor 2012, the key findings of the World Energy Trilemma 2012 report and the World Energy Scenarios.

The World Energy Leaders' Summit Istanbul was co-hosted by the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey, Taner Yildiz, and Council's Turkish National Member Committee, chaired by Süreyya Yücel Özden.

Under the theme 'Delivering tomorrow’s energy in a context of high uncertainty', the Summit offered a high-level platform for energy leaders from 33 countries, representing all energies and governments, to discuss the key issues and explore solutions to overcome the energy trilemma and to secure stable, affordable and environmentally sensitive systems.

Leading energy decision-makers at the forum included: Farooq Abdullah, India’s Minister for New and Renewable Energy; Fabrizio Barbaso, the European Commission’s Deputy Director General for Energy; Ala Alizadeh, Senior Vice President of Candu Energy from Canada; Kirill Komarov, Deputy General Director of Global Business Development for Rosatom in Russia; and Johannes Teyssen, Chairman and CEO of E.ON and the Council's Vice Chair for Europe.

Brazilian Member CommitteeOrganised in partnership with the Council's Brazilian Member Committee and supported by Eletrobras and Petrobras, the World Energy Leaders' Summit Rio de Janeiro saw global energy leaders engaging in high-level dialogue on the current and emerging issues affecting the energy world under the theme: '2011: A year of change for the energy industry?'.

Co-hosted by Edison Lobão, Minister of Mines and Energy for Brazil, and Eduardo Paes, Mayor of Rio de Janeiro together with Pierre Gadonneix, Chairman of the World Energy Council, and Dr Christoph Frei, Secretary General of World Energy Council, the forum took place in the symbolic Rio City Hall, Palacio da Cidade. Nearly 100 energy leaders from over 26 countries participated.

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