World Energy Council France and the Young Energy Professionals: Breakfast

11.10.24 - 11.10.2024

Paris La Défense,

EDF Tower

Paris, France

LocationEurope Member Events

World Energy Council France and the Young Energy Professionals: Breakfast

On Friday, 11 October from 8:30 am - 10:00 am at the Paris La Défense, EDF Tower. 

The French Energy Council and its group of young energy professionals #YEP, invite young professionals from its members' structures to a breakfast in a small group.

The objective is to allow them to exchange informally with a manager about the realities and challenges posed by the #transitionénergétique, beyond their usual sphere of work, with Vincent de RUL, Regional Director Corsica, Directorate of Island Energy Systems EDF. Vincent de RUL was appointed Director of SEI Corse on 1 May 2021. He also holds the position of Regional Director of ENGIE for the gas activities of the Corsican Centre. After graduating from Arts et Métiers ParisTech - École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers in 1994, Vincent de RUL joined the EDF Group in 1996 at SEPTEN, where he was in charge of modelling the energy performance of the combined cycle power plants that EDF was going to build in Mexico. In 2000, he joined the General Technical Department in Strasbourg as Project Manager, for the performance tests of these same plants, then others, in Italy, Egypt and Vietnam. In 2006, he became Project Director for the construction of cogeneration plants at EDF's Italian subsidiary, Fenice, based in Turin. From 2010 to 2016, Vincent de RUL went to Russia where he created and developed a new EDF subsidiary in the field of energy services, of which he was the Chief Executive Officer. In 2016, he joined EDF Energy in the United Kingdom to be successively Director of B2B Sales, then Director of Energy Solutions and finally Director of Electric Mobility.

Event open to young professionals from member organisations (*) of the French Energy Council within the limit of available places.

 If you're interested in this event, then please write to

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