BEC Lunchtime Seminar

05.08.20 - 05.08.2020


LocationAsia Member Events

Come and hear Andreas Heuser and Mark Pickup sharing some of the key outputs of MBIE’s economic modelling on green hydrogen production in New Zealand.

Part of New Zealand's hydrogen strategy development is a roadmap that will explore the issues that need to be resolved for hydrogen’s use in the wider economy, and what steps need to be undertaken to resolve these and when.

The first stage in the development of the hydrogen roadmap is an initial view of hydrogen supply and demand in New Zealand. Castalia recently completed economic modelling for Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) on the supply, demand and resource implications of green hydrogen production in New Zealand, compared to other countries.

This seminar is a great opportunity to share with you some of the key insights of this work.
The following will be covert:

  • The role of hydrogen in New Zealand - the Government's vision (Mark Pickup, Principle Advisor, MBIE)
  • The modelling outputs, as well as some early conclusions on the hydrogen market in New Zealand (Andreas Heuser, Manager, Castalia)

For more information, click here.


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