BEC Lunchtime Seminar: Energy Transition and the Energy Trilemma

05.11.20 - 05.11.2020

Online event.

LocationAsia Member Events

Come and hear our new Senior Policy Advisor, Emily Calvert, give an overview of the energy trilemma results and emerging insights from the energy transition radar.

The World Energy Council’s Energy Trilemma Index has become part of the energy dialogue with many politicians and industry participants talking about energy equity, energy security and environmental sustainability in the lead up to this year's election.

Where are we now?

According to the 2020 results, New Zealand remains in the top 10, ranking 10th out of the 128 countries assessed. New Zealand continues to rank highly thanks to growing environmental sustainability and stable energy equity. However our energy security score has declined. 

So where are we heading next?

The World Energy Council have launched a new tool, the World Energy Transition Radar, identifying four plausible energy futures; Pause, Rewind, Fast Forward, Re-Record. This new interactive real-time tool is designed to support strategic conversations about the energy transition as the world emerges from the Covid crisis.

This presentation will cover questions like:

  • What is driving our performance?
  • How do we compare with other countries?
  • Where are we performing well and what could we do better?
  • Where do we head next?


To register, please click here.

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