BEC Webinar: Security of power supply in the transition towards a net-zero grid

09.11.21 - 09.11.2021

LocationAsia Member Events

Join the BusinessNZ Energy Council (BEC) and Delegation of the European Union to NZ for its webinar on the challenge of ensuring continued energy security at least cost during the transition towards net zero greenhouse gas emissions. The European Union and New Zealand share ambitious decarbonisation goals which place the power sector in a strategic pivotal role to not only carry its share of the economy wide emissions reduction effort but to also enable the transition of other sectors, such as transport. Along the road to net zero, regulatory and technological challenges to ensure security of power supply abound: increased intermittency, increased decentralisation of production and storage, two-way flows of energy, digitalisation are just some of them. Starting from a lower level of renewable energy in its power mix than New Zealand, the European Union and its Member States have over the last decades developed, tested and modified rules and technologies to adapt the sector’s security framework to a constantly evolving landscape. 

This webinar will be an opportunity to hear how their experience might be relevant to New Zealand and what lessons have been learnt along the way.

For more information and to register please click here

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