BEC’s breakfast session with Michael Cohen, bp’s Chief US Economist – An Energy Outlook to 2050

25.11.20 - 25.11.2020


LocationAsia Member Events

Why attend?

Join us for an exclusive online session with Michael Cohen, bp’s Chief US Economist and Head of Oil Analysis who will share with us some insights into the outlook for global energy markets out to 2050 and the key uncertainties surrounding the energy transition.

The global energy system is likely to undergo a fundamental restructuring in order to decarbonise, which will create challenges and opportunities for the industry. Three main scenarios – Rapid, Net Zero, and Business-as-usual – provide a range of possible outcomes to understand the range of uncertainties ahead.

Among others, Michael will discuss the following:

  • The energy transition requires significant shifts in the pattern of investment – what investment is required?
  • Renewables lead the transition to a lower carbon energy mix – what will the energy mix look like?
  • There is significant uncertainty surrounding the structure of the global energy system in a net-‎zero world – what are these uncertainties and how can we overcome them? 


About Michael Cohen

Michael Cohen is Chief US Economist and Head of Oil Analysis in bp’s Economic and Energy Insights team. In this role, he is responsible for oil, transportation, and North American energy policy related analysis in bp’s Statistical Review of World Energy and Energy Outlook. The Economics team helps inform decision making for bp’s board and executive team as well as for the Upstream, Downstream, Government Affairs, Trading, and Fuels/Marketing businesses.


Michael's presentation will be followed by a 15 min Q&A session. Zoom details will be sent out closer to the date. For more information and registration, click here.

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