Climathon Wellington 2020

03.04.20 - 04.04.2020

Z Energy Corporate Office, 3 Queens Wharf, Wellington 6011, New Zealand

LocationOceania Member Events

Climathon Wellington 2020

Free public event full of fresh thinking

If you have an idea to reduce carbon emissions, build resilience to climate change in Wellington or, if you want to use your skills on projects that can. Join us at Climathon Wellington!

Climathon is a fast-paced global 24 hour challenge, taking place simultaneously in over 100 cities around the world.

You will be part of a small and diversly talented group in Wellington taking an informed approach to building and testing solutions to Wellingtons biggest climate resilience challenges, and making the most of the opportunity that the green growth economy (valued at NZ$6 trillion in 2009) presents.


The Climathon Wellington Challenges for 2020 are;

1. Values into Action - How can we support people to make the changes in their lives that really make a difference?

2. Indigenous Perspectives - How can mātauranga Māori help create more sustainable businesses and alternatives?

3. City Transport - What opportunities are there for new sustainable businesses in the Let's Get Wellington Moving initiative?


You will have access to;

  • Expert design thinking and startup consultants to help you get the most out of the 24 hours
  • Industry and knowledge leaders in the space to call on
  • The latest information at your fingertips
  • Free massages and yoga
  • Prizes that support new ideas to take the next step;
    • A place in the Victoria Uni Entrepreneurship Bootcamp (valued at over $7,500)
    • Workshops with professional business advisors to progress the idea.

More to come!

Climathon is perfect for people who enjoy creating solutions to complex challenges that have the potential to create huge positive environmental and economic impacts here in Wellington and abroad. Our goal is to support you to make this city of ours even better. You will be fed, there will be massage therapists on site and even a yoga session (all free) to keep your brain in peak flow. If you have an idea or want to offer your skills to be a part of this small and specialised group, book now.


*Passes are limited and this event has been full for the past two years.*

For more information, click here!

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