Decarbonised hydrogen imports into the European Union: challenges and opportunities (Webinar)

08.10.21 - 08.10.2021

8 October 2021 | 10:00 – 11:15 CET

Many European countries have identified low-carbon hydrogen as a key element of achieving their climate goals. But where will the necessary decarbonised hydrogen come from? How will it be produced, at what cost, and how will it reach consumers in the European Union (EU)? On the occasion of the publication of the World Energy Council – Europe’s latest study "Decarbonised hydrogen imports into the European Union: challenges and opportunities" we would like to discuss these and further questions with you during a webinar.

The study looks at scenarios for the production and consumption of decarbonised hydrogen in the EU and for hydrogen imports into the Union. It analyses cost estimates for transporting hydrogen and its derivatives and derives implications for the European power sector, the competitiveness of hydrogen and achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

To access the webinar directly. Please click here.

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