Electricity Transmission – The major impact of transition in the energy sector In Romania and in Central and Eastern Europe

11.03.21 - 11.03.2021

Online event.

LocationEurope Member Events

Organized on the 11th of March 2021 by the World Energy Council / Romanian National Committee (WEC/RNC) and the Romanian TSO, the conference addressed modern solutions for the electricity transmission system development, in order to ensure covering the country's electricity needs and availability in the future for all users.


Well-known experts of electricity transmission, distribution and electricity market administration fields, academia and WEC/RNC experts, addressed topics of utmost interest in the development of the transmission system, platforms for the development of the electricity market, connection to the European single market and the training of staff in the face of digitalisation and the requirements for improving operational safety.  World Energy Council’s study developed in collaboration with PwC - “Innovation Insights Brief: The Role of Transmission Companies in the Energy Transition” was also a point of presentation and debate.


From the conference discussions we can highlight the following topics and conclusions:


- The Romanian TSO’s development strategy for the 2021-2025 period includes a series of important investment projects for the consolidation of the Electricity Transmission Network (ETN), including: refurbishment and modernization of existing power stations; increasing exchange capacities on the western and southern interface of Romania (the border with Bulgaria), on the interface with the Republic of Moldova, as well as on the interface between the eastern area and the rest of the interconnected electricity system;

- The main strategic directions of the digitization and integration of renewable energy sources in the ETN are: ensuring adequate infrastructure, introducing digitization in line with the TSO’s strategies and policies, increasing energy efficiency, reducing congestion of the network;

- The planning and development of the Electric Transmission Network considers: the safe operation of ETN, the adequate development of ETN, the increase of interconnection capacity, the sustainable integration of renewable energy, studies of physical infrastructure development, refurbishment of power stations, systems modern monitoring, integrated monitoring system and energy forecasting of wind power plants.

- The integration of European markets faces difficulties produced by the of lack of sufficient inter-zonal capacity. Although the integration of the electricity market has continued to progress (establishing the framework for cooperation between the Parties involved in the SDAC-Single Day-Ahead Market), further actions are needed: implementation of the flow-based market coupling project, implementation of the "Interim Coupling" project, research - development activities and supporting the expansion of market coupling, new market models and increased performance.

- Regarding the network resilience, World Energy Council’s criteria for planning resilience to extreme events were mentioned: a) learning, anticipation, recognition and approach to disruptive events, b) triggering response solutions, based on operator expertise and collaboration, c) return to functionality, d) resilience across the energy chain - from primary energy source to supply. It also analysed the resilience of the cyberattacks risks, emphasizing that the response to cyberattacks is to create secure channels in an unsecured network.

- The TSO’s role is crucial in the energy transition and has three strategic implications: a) in infrastructure, people and tools, b) in design, perspective, ecosystem, c) in the development of cross-border and regional networks. Attention must be paid to the 4 D factors globally which include: Decarbonization, Decentralization, Digitization, Demand. Equally important are the following important recommendations for the energy transition: Focusing on the future, Sizing the ecosystem and Transforming the organization.

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