Electrification of Transport

09.11.22 - 10.11.2022


Amazon Web Services, PWC Tower - Level 13 15 Customs Street West Auckland, Auckland 1010 New Zealand

LocationAsia Member Events

After over 100 years of oil dependence, the transport sector is on the verge of electrification, creating massive decarbonisation, energy security and air quality benefits for Aotearoa.

Hear from:
- Auckland Transport's Amrita Sharma (Principal infrastructure Lead) about how a transport provider is flipping their fleet
- Vector Limited’s SHAURYA DUGGAL (Network planning engineer) about how network integration is done efficiently; and
- Ecotricity’s Al Yates (CEO) about how business models in retail are redesigned.

The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion (facilitated by Steve Heinen of Vector Limited) and networking over drinks and nibbles. 

Hosted on 9th November 2022, by Amazon Web Services (AWS) at the PWC Tower.

For In-Person tickets, please click here

For online tickets, please click here

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