Energy Trilemma: A waste of energy?

14.09.22 - 15.09.2022

Level 6 JacksonStone House, 3-11 Hunter Street, Wellington

LocationAsia Member Events

Worldwide energy security and affordability is currently in a precarious state. As we move towards a more sustainable energy system what impact does this have on New Zealand? As we focus on energy sustainability, security and affordability, do we favour one over the other, what effect will this have on the trilemma and if it remains, how can we improve it?

Join us as our panellists answer some important questions around the future of the Energy Trilemma

  • Ezra Hirawani, CEO and Co-Founder,  Nau Mai Rā
  • Robyn Holdaway, General Manager Public Policy, Vector
  • Amelia Rentzios, Head of Operations, Hiringa Energy

Facilitator - Tina Schirr, Executive Director, BusinessNZ Energy Council


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