Europe Regional ‘Deep-dive’ event

13.04.23 - 14.04.2023

University of Graz, Austria

LocationEurope Member Events

On 13 and 14 April 2023, the Europe Regional Deep-Dive event will be organised in Graz, Austria.

The deep-dive is kindly hosted as an in-person event at the Graz University of Technology, with sponsor contributions from other local partners.

Regional deep dives are part of the Council's Global Energy Scenarios work programme. The European event will convene experts within the Europe membership and key energy stakeholders for forward-looking strategic conversations to explore and debate the key policies, decisions, technologies and development imperatives for the Europe region for the coming decade as well as the trends, drivers of change and key uncertainties.

Participation in the event is free. Participants are responsible for covering the cost of their travel and accommodation.

For more information on the programme and how to attend, please contact our Europe Regional Manager Sjoerd Ammerlaan (

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