Forum du centenaire du Conseil français de l’énergie

23.11.23 - 23.11.2023

Paris, France

LocationEurope Member Events

The French Energy Council invites you to attend its centenary Forum on Thursday November 23, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in person in Paris. It will bring together key players in the world of energy, promoting shared perspectives between industrialists, academics and politicians.

The Forum, under the theme "A new lease of life for decarbonization", will bring together key players in the world of energy, promoting shared perspectives between industrialists, academics and politicians.

Speakers already confirmed: National Assembly - ADEME - BRGM - CEA - CIRED - Energy Regulatory Commission - Paris-Dauphine - EDF - Electriciens sans frontières - ENGIE - IFP Energies nouvelles - Ifri - French Institute of International Relations - Jacques Delors Institute - IRIS - Institute of International and Strategic Relations - Ministry of the Armed Forces - General Directorate of Enterprises - Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs - DGEC – General Directorate of Energy and Climate - Schneider Electric - TotalEnergies - Morocco Future Energy Leaders - World Energy Council - United States Member Committee - World Energy Council - Germany

For more information and to register, click here

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