French Energy Council: France Gas 2024 Congress: Changing Energy

06.06.24 - 06.06.2024

Salons of the Hôtel des Arts et Métiers,


LocationEurope Member Events


On Thursday, 6 June 2024 from 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM (Paris time) at the Salons of the Hôtel des Arts et Métiers, Paris.

Energy is a rapidly changing sector, which must face the challenges of climate change, security of supply, reindustrialisation and the ecological transition. This transformation involves all stakeholders, from producers to consumers, public authorities, businesses and citizens.

The France Gas 2024 congress on the theme "Changing Energy" is an opportunity to meet these players and hear them testify to their commitments in France and around the world.

This event will have an exceptional tone, as it will celebrate the 150th anniversary of France Gaz, one of the oldest professional organizations in France!

For the full program, click HERE.

To register for the all-day event, please click HERE.

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