Fundacion Repsol Webinar - Challenges of Energy Storage

06.02.24 - 06.02.2024


LocationEurope Member Events

Challenges of Energy Storage

Hosted by Associacao Portuguesa da Energia

On Tuesday, 6 February 2024, at 10:00am – 12:15pm (Madrid time- CET)

By 2030, Spain must have at least 32% renewable energy to meet the goals set by the European Union in the field of climate and energy.

In this scenario, the development of storage is essential for the successful integration of renewables into our energy mix.

Fundación Repsol and Mondragon Unibertsitatea are organising this webinar in which the evolution of storage technologies in Spain and their importance for the effective deployment of renewable energies will be analysed.

To register for the webinar, please click here.

For the full program, pleace click here. (Text in Portuguese).

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