Great Debate Series: Decentralised Energy vs Centralised Energy

23.06.22 - 24.06.2022

BusinessNZ, Level 6 JacksonStone House, 3-11 Hunter Street, Wellington


Join us for the second of our Great Debate Series to explore different perspectives on the topic:

'Decentralised Energy vs Centralised Energy'

 Increasing empowered consumers and communities might shift the basic cost parameters of many energy sources, allowing more generation to be built closer to where it is used.

What would a much larger number of generation facilities, with a larger number of owners entail? What are the benefits and problems in the New Zealand context?

At this event our speakers will debate their views on decentralised vs centralised energy solutions with the facilitator challenging participants and aiming to explore the pros and cons of each option.  We will discuss different solutions, how these can support our carbon zero journey, the potential challenges, and the opportunities available to implement them.

We will provide you with some light bites and the opportunity to network. The session will start at 11.15am sharp.

Our panelists for this event include:

  • Dr Cristiano Marantes - Chief Executive, Ara Ake
  • Scott Willis, Director, Climate Navigator
  • Nicolas Vessiot, Acting GM Strategy & Customer, Transpower


For more information and to register, please click here

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