Green Hydrogen: Perspectives for Portugal

14.03.23 - 15.03.2023

Auditorium of the Headquarters Building of the Order of Engineers in Lisbon (Av. António Augusto de Aguiar, 3B).


Green Hydrogen became a main factor in Portuguese decarbonisation and energy transition policies. This seminar joins experts from academia, energy companies, infrastructure, and research institutions.  Main investment plans will be identified, and their status, viability and impact discussed in a Seminar chaired by João Torres (Portuguese WE Council Committee chair) and Fernando Almeida Santos (President of the Order of Engineers).

The discussion a panel comprises Ana Quelhas (Managing Director for Hydrogen, EDP),  Sérgio Goulart Machado (Head of Hydrogen, GALP) and Pedro Furtado (Director of Studies and Regulatory Affairs, REN). The discussion will have as moderator Sofia Simões, Coordinator of the Resource Economics Unit, LNEG) and as Keynote speaker Patrícia Fortes (post-doctoral researcher, CENSE, NOVA University of Lisbon).

Participation in the seminar is limited to room capacity, and registrations will be considered on a first come, first served basis.

The costs associated to the participation vary according to the type of registration and are indicated in the respective form

Please click here for the event schedule. 

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