H2Global Information Session Germany - New Zealand Energy Dialogue

12.04.22 - 12.04.2022

Virtual Event


The H2Global program is a funding instrument developed by the German government which has committed significant funding to support the rapid market ramp-up of hydrogen and Power-to-X value chains internationally.

The program is an auction-based mechanism through which an intermediary, the Hydrogen Intermediary Company (HINT.Co), will conclude long-term purchase contracts to secure international supply of green hydrogen and derivatives to be delivered to Germany. The German government is committed to achieving greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045 and is funding the H2Global program with 900 Mio. Euro (1,540 Mio. NZ Dollar). Auctions are planned to commence this year.

H2Global presents an unique opportunity for early movers and is a sophisticated instrument for leveraging private investment. Take the opportunity to learn about the instruments, its core elements, organisation, funding, potential for scale-up and the timeline from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

We would like to invite you to the virtual information session which will include an overview of the instrument and a Q&A with the BMWK, as well as a panel discussion on opportunities for New Zealand with leading representatives from New Zealand’s hydrogen industry and research.

Please submit any questions you may have prior to the briefing session directly via your registration form or via email.

This event is hosted by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), the German-New Zealand Chamber of Commerce (GNZCC) and adelphi.

For more information and to register, please click here.

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