Harnessing the Storm: Global trends in Wind Energy and its impact in New Zealand

10.07.24 - 10.07.2024

Simpson Grierson,

Level 28/88 Shortland Street,


LocationAsia Member Events

Global trends in Wind Energy and its impact in New Zealand

Join BusinessNZ Energy Council (New Zealand Member Committee) as they navigate the latest global advancements in offshore wind energy, presented by the expertise of Pierre-Antoine Tetard, Chief Commercial Officer and Acting Vice President APAC for BlueFloat Energy. On Wednesday, 10 July 2024 starting from 4:15 pm, at the Simpson Grierson, Auckland

The event is hosted by BlueFloat Energy, the BusinessNZ Energy Council, and Elemental Group, in conjunction with Simpson Grierson to provide you with the latest global trends in offshore wind and its potential impact on the New Zealand economy. 

A recent study from PwC concludes that New Zealand’s emerging offshore wind industry could contribute $12-94Bn of domestic GDP and decrease 18-30% of energy sector emissions by 2050, whilst creating significant workforce and supply chain opportunities across regional New Zealand. New Zealand’s enabling regulatory framework for offshore wind is due to be implemented by mid-2025 with the first feasibility license round to commence soon after. With more than 75GW of offshore wind commissioned globally by the end of 2022, New Zealand can learn from other markets to unleash local investment in this industry, supporting energy security and affordability for a strong New Zealand economy through the energy transition. 

With extensive experience in the offshore wind industry across Europe and APAC, Pierre-Antoine will bring insights on the current international developments in offshore wind energy, with a lens on the Asia-Pacific region and the implications for New Zealand. 

Simpson Grierson is a leading New Zealand law firm with a dedicated energy team committed to leading clients through the energy transition towards a net zero future. Members of Simpson Grierson's energy team will provide an update on the latest New Zealand developments, including the progression of offshore wind regulations and the latest policy announcements from the Government. 

Seize the opportunity to engage with industry experts during the interactive Q&A session and foster valuable connections during our networking event, complemented by refreshments. 

Registration is free but mandatory. To register, please click here.

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