Hydrogen Innovation Forum

19.11.19 - 20.11.2019

ENA, 4 More London Riverside, London SE1 2AU, UNITED KINGDOM

LocationEurope Innovation

Innovation Forum - Hydrogen

A two-day forum to develop a compelling business plan for large-scale low carbon hydrogen production, including defining the regulatory changes and policy incentives to enable hydrogen consumption. The Council will also begin discussion on developing a charter to increase demand for low-carbon hydrogen.

Failure to decarbonise our economies is not an option and a complete reliance on the electrification of heat, industry, transport and wider power demand is increasingly being contested as unrealistic. As a versatile energy carrier, hydrogen has the long-term potential to be the ideal complement to renewable generated power and provide a solution to decarbonise hard-to-abate sectors and store energy.

From policy to technical challenges related to the transport of hydrogen, this exclusive invitation-only forum will take attendees on a unique knowledge exchange journey to push the hydrogen agenda forward. This event is kindly hosted by ENA and will be in-part moderated by Dr Angela Wilkinson, Secretary General, World Energy Council.

Hydrogen Global

The Hydrogen Global Charter was finalised in cooperation with the Innovation Forum's participants. The Charter will collect the commitments made by global energy actors towards the widespread and safe delpoyment of clean hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels.



Hydrogen Global Charter


19 November, 09:30-17:00

-           Whole system view: what is the role for hydrogen?
-           Policy roadmap & business plan development and pitching
-           Bigger picture & introduction to HY100 discussion

20 November, 09:00-15:15

-           Learning journey: showcasing the latest technological developments
-           International standards and principles
-           Open agenda: opportunity to self-organise and deep dive into a specific issue

 Please contact Pauline Blanc at blanc@worldenergy.org for more information. If you have media questions, please contact Natalie Vinters at vinters@worldenergy.org

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