Interactive Launch Event: Electricity Transmission Brief

16.06.20 - 16.06.2020


LocationGlobal Digital

Interactive Launch Event: Electricity Transmission Brief

The need to deliver reliable and affordable electricity whilst addressing climate change is driving dramatic transformations of power systems globally. In collaboration with PwC, the World Energy Council conducted interviews with CEOs and senior leaders from 37 Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Independent System Operators (ISOs).

This webinar marked the launch of the brief "Performing While Transforming: The role of transmission companies in the energy transition". The brief is the first of a working series aimed at understanding how different trends are shaping the future of electricity grids around the world.

This meeting was moderated by Mark Coughlin, Partner PwC Australia.

Panelists included:

  • Chris Peeters, CEO of the Elia Group, Belgium & Germany
  • Andres Kuhlmann, CEO of Transelec, Chile
  • Ahmed Al-Ebrahim, CEO of the GCC Interconnection Authority, Saudi Arabia
  • Paul Nillesen, Partner at PwC, Netherlands

View a recording of the webinar below.


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