Joint Workshop: Digitalization in the Energy Systems

24.10.19 - 25.10.2019

Istanbul Marriott Hotel Sisli, Istanbul, Turkey


Framework and Issues:

Technological advancements in digitalization are rapidly affecting all aspects of the energy industry, expectedly to the benefit of consumers and the environment.  For these benefits to materialize, appropriate regulation will be necessary, even though it is not yet clear what the scope of this regulation will be. In the context of the environmental challenge, the issue of digitalizing energy markets will become ever more important, as it is expected to foster energy efficiency and support the transition towards cleaner sources of energy.

The ERRA Digitalization Workshop, set to take place on October 24-25 in Istanbul, will discuss technological advancements and disruptions in digitalization and the opportunities and the challenges these bring to the energy sector.  Organized jointly with WEC Turkey and IC4R (Istanbul Center for Regulation), the workshop will explore sector-specific and cross-sectoral regulatory policy option that address the aforementioned issues. These discussions will also include questions of cybersecurity, access to data, and privacy. Specific case studies, such as smart grids, will provide a direct insight into practical applications.


For more information about the workshop please follow this link:

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