Latvia Energy Trilemma Conference

11.12.23 - 12.12.2023

Riga, Latvia

LocationEurope Member Events

In the heart of the Baltic Sea region, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment of transformation. Recent events, from the reshaping of energy security dynamics due to the Ukraine conflict to the revealing intricacies of energy markets with record - breaking energy prices in 2022, have illuminated the path toward sustainable energy solutions.

Achieving a delicate balance between the dimensions of the energy trilemma - energy security, energy affordability, and energy sustainability - is of paramount importance.

The Latvia National Committee of the World Energy Council, in conjunction with energy leaders from the Baltic Sea region, is organising the largest regional conference titled “Energy Trilemma: The Foundation of Energy Transition - Baltic Sea Region focus.”, It will be held in person, at the Riga Technical University conference centre on 11-12 December, 2023.

The conference aims to address the following questions:

  • How resilient is the Energy sector of the Baltic Sea region towards the energy security risks?
  • What are the necessary adjustments to the current market design needed to activate the free - market potential and cure its imperfections? What are the possible instruments to support the vulnerable consumers?
  • Is the Baltic Sea Region green enough, and if the “Sustainability = Profitability” approach is possible?



See for further information and register here:

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