New Zealand Member Committee: Energy Leader Series with BEC & Z Energy

30.05.24 - 30.05.2024

Z Energy, 3 Queens Wharf,

Wellington 6011

New Zealand

LocationAsia Member Events

Panel 1 - Energy Trilemma: How Executives are ensuring energy security as New Zealand decarbonises

Topic: The role of the energy sector in ensuring energy security as New Zealand decarbonises

On Thursday, 30 May 2024 from 16:00 - 17:30 at Z Energy, 3 Queens Wharf, Wellington 6011

In this series, you will have the opportunity to meet with CEOs and key executives sharing insights, shaping the future, and shifting the paradigm of the New Zealand and global energy market.

During three sessions, you will learn how leaders collaborate to address the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition.

Don’t miss this chance to network with other peers from across the industry, and to join the conversation on how to create a sustainable, affordable, and secure energy system for New Zealand.

We believe that now, more than ever, it is crucial to collectively shift the paradigm of the New Zealand and global energy market. 

In our first episode, titled “Energy Trilemma: How Executives ensure energy security as New Zealand decarbonises,” we will explore how energy security can be bolstered across the entire energy system, using strategies to improve resilience against domestic and international supply shocks, while minimising costs for consumers. 

As traditional fossil fuels decline and alternative fuels gain prominence, what are the primary risks associated with fuel importation, production, and utilisation in New Zealand? Our speakers will delve into these challenges and identify opportunities for mitigation.

Panellists will weigh the risks against potential gains, including quick wins and long-term improvements needed to balance fuel security. 

Our panel includes:

  • Lindis Jones, Chief Executive - Z Energy
  • Mary-Liz Tuck, Chief Sustainability and Master Planning Officer - Auckland Airport
  • Mike Fuge, Chief Executive - Contact Energy
  • Facilitator TBC

To register for this event, please click here.

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