Portuguese Member Committee: Nuclear: A Necessary Debate

27.06.24 - 27.06.2024

Auditorium of the Order of Engineers,


LocationEurope Member Events

Nuclear: A Necessary Debate

The Portuguese Energy Association (Portuguese Member Committee) promotes, with the support of the Order of Engineers, the Debate at the End of the Afternoon, "Nuclear: a necessary debate".

On Thursday 27, June 2024 at the Auditorium of the Order of Engineers, Lisbon from 17:00 - 19:14 (Lisbon time).

Two energy experts will address the various aspects of this energy sector, from the skills needed for its development to public acceptance, including research and development, and integration into the electricity system and markets.

You can read the full program HERE

Registrations must be made by the 25th of June and have a cost of €50 for non-APE members. Free for Associates (see here), FELPT Members, FELPT and AMEG Alumni and Members of the Order of Engineers.

Registrations will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis and limited to room capacity. Register HERE.

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