Power market model - how it works and potential amendments

06.04.22 - 07.04.2022

Bucharest, Electrica S.A., Radu Zane Hall


On the 6th of April 2021, World Energy Council/Romanian National Committee in partnership with Electrica S.A., the main electricity distributor in Romania, will organize a conference, about “The Electricty Market Model: Functionality and Possible Amendments“.

The various crises that Romanian society has faced and is still facing have revealed several imperfections, including in the field of electricity markets. The causes are multiple, from the structure of the energy sector itself to the sharp imbalance of supply versus demand, plus new development restrictions imposed by the European Union's ambitious targets. All these imperfections translate into price signals that have become unbearable for the average consumer, let alone the vulnerable. It is therefore clear that the time has come for a clear analysis of the current situation and the establishment of appropriate measures.

The current problems of the electricity market and the need to adapt to the conditions imposed by the increase in electricity needs, the targets for the decarbonization of the electricity generation sector, the need to promote renewable sources together with energy storage systems, the problems of electricity distribution systems, the emergence of virtual power plants will be addressed.

The electricity market needs to offer intelligent solutions for integrating volatile renewables, promoting hydrogen-based solutions, increasing the share of electric mobility, increasing the level of interconnection with the European system.

Participation is free of charge and registration is now open here.

The topics will be discussed in Romanian language.

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