SANEA reflections of the 24th World Energy Congress - Building Energy Bridges

19.11.19 - 19.11.2019

Eskom Megawatt Park, 2 Maxwell Drive, Sunninghill, Johannesburg, South Africa

LocationAfrica Member Events


The 24th World Energy Congress, with the theme of Energy for Prosperity, was held in September 2019 in Abu Dhabi. This event brought together a global community of over four thousand CEOs, Energy Ministers, New Innovators, Incumbents and Energy Enthusiasts from over 100 different countries. 

The four-day event highlighted the serious business of energy transition and the emerging challenges of managing a successful whole energy system transformation, in a context of global uncertainty, climate change impacts and cyber security threats.
The following SANEA members that attended the Congress will share their views with you at the upcoming SANEA Energy Rendezvous:

  • Kiren Maharaj, SANEA Chairperson
  • Wendy Poulton, SANEA Secretary General 
  • Rosalind dos Santos
  • Xolani Yokwana, UNISA

Please click here for more information about the event.

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