SIREN – The Romanian Energy Symposium 2021

06.09.21 - 08.09.2021


LocationEurope Member Events


From 6 to 8 September 2021, the World Energy Council and Romanian National Committee will organise the first edition of the National Energy Symposium (SIREN), under the theme – “The Romanian energy sector. The chance of a new beginning”.

Now, more than ever, each energy sector in the European region is facing extraordinary challenges, including the Romania, and the complexity of the problems is being amplified by the current pandemic. For the energy sector in Romania, a lot of external and internal factors generate the conditions for a new vision and - therefore - impose a new approach for the development of this sector. In essence, being at a turning point, we must rethink the solutions to improve the condition of the sector as a new beginning is needed and planned. At the same time, there is an accelerating pace of transformation of technologies in the energy sector, some completely new, even called "disruptive", which requires a readjustment of related policies transposed through an appropriate legislative and regulatory framework.

Following the above and considering the mission of WEC/RNC, we decided to organize a biennial National Energy Symposium (SIREN) to host relevant debates on the transition of the Romanian energy sector, discuss the self-imposed targets as an EU Member State and through the conclusions reached within it - can help the authorities make the right decisions in the future.

SIREN 2021 will include 4 main sessions approaching current topics relevant to our national level that support the main theme of the symposium: General energy policies for the energy transition, Government Programs and Investment Policies, Innovative technologies and Trade policies, market, consumer. SIREN 2021 will include as well 4 Communication Sessions where plenary presentations and posters of scientific articles written by specialists from the romanian energy community and members of the Romanian academic community, are expected.

SIREN 2021 will be LIVE Streamed from Bucharest, Romania. The topics will be discussed in the Romanian language but the proceedings of the event will be translated in English.

Participation is free of charge and registration is now open here.

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