WEC Apéro

19.08.19 - 19.08.2019

TBC, Zurich, Switzerland


Power-to-X is seen as a potential solution to make use of excess electricity, to store it and to inject it into the energy system in another form at another time (and maybe for another use).

Another unsolved challenge lies in granting access to energy to all people globally. The World Energy Council has put this topic onto the agenda for the next World Energy Congress in Abu Dhabi. We will have the unique chance to get some preliminary insights upfront.

  • Dr. Thomas Justus Schmidt, Head of the Electrochemistry Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland:

«Power-to-X: Perspectives for Switzerland»

  • Célien Fitoussi, «Future Energy Leader» of the World Energy Council in London, UK:

«Study on Quality Energy Access»

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