Wellington Seminar

29.10.19 - 30.10.2019

JacksonStone House, Wellington, New Zealand

LocationOceania Workshops

Wellington Seminar

BusinessNZ’s next Wellington Seminar will take place on Tuesday 29th & Wednesday 30th October 2019.

The Wellington Seminar helps executives make connections and gain influencing skills in the place where laws, regulations and policies are made.

Registrations are now open for the next BusinessNZ Wellington Seminar.

This is open to all interested persons, including:

  • Senior executives
  • Emerging talent/future leaders
  • Local government representatives
  • Business association representative
  • Overseas business leaders with an interest in New Zealand operations


The Wellington Seminar is a one and a half-day course led by BusinessNZ experts, business leaders, relevant politicians and top government officials with real experience in creating the policy environment.

The Seminar is designed to raise awareness of and create an understanding of the political environment, and how it can be engaged with, to help achieve an organisation’s mission.

We focus on developing executives’ external influencing skills, providing participants with the ability to deepen their networks with other participants and with key people in Wellington.


Cost for the two-day course is $2,399 + GST.

Please note withdrawals from the Seminar less than 10 business days from the event will be charged 50% of the full fee.

Like previous Seminars, registrations will be strictly limited to 12 people to ensure it retains its personalised and focused structure. Therefore, participation will be on a first-come-first-served basis.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Katharine McGhie at any time.

Tuesday 29th October 2019 8.45am to 9.00pm (includes dinner)

Wednesday 30th October 2019 8.45am to 2.30pm (approximate end time)

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