World Energy Café: 24/7 Low Carbon Energy: Achieving Stability and Sustainability

25.09.24 - 25.09.2024



LocationEurope LocationNorth America World Energy Café Members-only Events

World Energy Café: 24/7 Low Carbon Energy: Achieving Stability and Sustainability

We invite you to our World Energy Café on “24/7 Low carbon Energy: Achieving Stability and Sustainability” on 25 September at 2:00 pm UK, hosted by the US and French member committees. 

As companies seek to achieve decarbonization goals, many have evolved their annual renewable energy targets into “24/7 carbon-free energy” goals that more closely match their actual corporate hourly electricity load profile on a 24/7 hourly basis every day of the year.

This We Café aims to provide an overview of the underlying concepts of 24/7 carbon-free energy and compare the progress and strategies of the United States and Europe.

Join the conversation to learn about best practices, learn from challenges, and enhance global collaboration in achieving a carbon-free future.


  • Carmen Munoz, Downstream R&D Director at EDF (France).
  • Luke Penne, Business Development Manager Hourly Carbon-Free Energy Matching, Constellation (United States).
  • Giovanni Scomparin, Advisor & Corporate Energy Sourcing at Eurelectric (Belgium).
  • Arin Kaye, Research Lead, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting and Strategic Applications at EPRI (United States).


  • Learn from other member committees and gain insights from leading experts in the field.
  • Network with industry professionals and thought leaders from our global network.
  • Participate in an interactive discussion.

The World Energy Café conversation is exclusively open to members across our community – Member Committees and their members, Future Energy Leaders, Start-ups, experts and Standing Committee members - If you would like to join the meeting and register, please ask your Regional Manager for the registration link

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