World Energy Café Europe

24.02.23 - 25.02.2023


LocationEurope World Energy Café

The first ‘World Energy Café Europe’ will take place on Friday 24 February. This new, interactive (virtual) format gives members from across our community – Member Committees and their members, Future Energy Leaders, Start-ups, our expert community, and Standing Committee members – the opportunity to hear more about and exchange on topics of interest‘learn – share – connect’.

The topic of our first session is: The role of hydrogen in place-based energy transitions – how to build resilient ‘hydrogen valley’ ecosystems.

The potential of decarbonised hydrogen in energy transitions is much debated and promoted. Many European countries and regions envisage an important role for hydrogen as part of the energy system - as a fuel technology to decarbonise hard-to-abate industrial processes but also for other applications, including transport and mobility. Therefore, in many places across Europe, ‘hydrogen valley’ ecosystems are being developed, ie, local hydrogen economies where hydrogen is integrated with (local) energy value chains and demand-side uses. 

Developing a comprehensive ‘hydrogen valley’ ecosystem requires various aspects to be addressed and managed. 

Three speakers – from Slovenia, The Netherlands and Norway - will set the scene, each focusing on a different angle related to the overall theme, covering project & business case development – integrating the energy value chain – human capital & skills development – technology. Following these presentations, there’s opportunity to further connect with the speakers and other participants in smaller discussion groups

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