World Energy Council Executive Assembly & Energy Trilemma Summit

12.10.22 - 13.10.2022

P&J Live, Aberdeen, Scotland

LocationGlobal Executive Assembly

World Energy Council Executive Assembly and Energy Trilemma Summit

The World Energy Council’s Executive Assembly and Energy Trilemma Summit, co-hosted by the Scottish Government, bring together the Council’s diverse, worldwide membership community from nearly 100 countries and the leading changemakers from within and beyond the classic energy industry.

The two-day gathering begins with the Council’s Executive Assembly, the first in-person gathering of our worldwide energy community in two years, providing a forum to reset the energy conversation and converge on actions that progress sustainable energy for the greatest benefit of all people. Under the theme ‘Transformational solutions in turbulent times’, the events continue with the  Energy Trilemma Summit where we will identify balanced opportunities for navigating successful global energy transitions in a faster-paced and more fragmented world. 

The Strategic Community Conversation and Executive Assembly on 12 October are open exclusively to the World Energy Council’s member community, while the Energy Trilemma Summit on 13 October is open to the Council's members as well as invited guests. Places are limited and registration is required. Contact your national Member Committee to enquire about a place. 



For more information on the Energy Trilemma Summit, please contact the Council's Globa Agenda team at

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