Future Energy Leaders Uruguay: Community Impact Projects

25.11.24 - 06.12.2024

John XXIII Institute, Santa Elena High School, and San Luis High School,


LocationLatin America Member Events

Community Impact Projects

From Monday, 25 November to Friday, 6 December 2024 the National Future Energy Leaders Uruguay focused on making a meaningful impact in the community by conducting energy workshops in high schools across the country. Led by young professionals volunteering from the energy sector, these workshops have reached 10 schools since the program began in 2022.

The sessions explored a wide range of energy-related topics, including its definition, consumption, sources, and the environmental and economic implications of energy use. Key themes like renewable energy, decarbonization, energy efficiency, and Uruguay’s energy transition were also addressed.

In recent weeks, three new workshops were held at John XXIII Institute, Santa Elena High School, and San Luis High School, engaging over 60 students. Through interactive discussions, games, and activities, the workshops showcased the enthusiasm and potential of young participants to contribute to a more sustainable future. Each session served as a platform to inspire environmental awareness and sparked interest in the opportunities offered by renewable energy.

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