World Energy Trilemma Index Brainstorming Session for Latin America and the Caribbean

14.07.22 - 14.07.2022

LocationGlobal LocationLatin America

Local context is critical to developing energy policies that work. Our Insights teams, on July 14, held a brainstorming session for the Latin America and the Caribbean region to look at the regional results of our upcoming World Energy Trilemma Index, our energy policy pathfinding tool that explores how regions and countries are performing across the core Trilemma dimensions of energy security, affordability and environmental sustainability. Experts from the region participated in the session to discuss the driving factors and implications of the regional results. 

The session was moderated by Anna Urrutia and María Haydeé Jiménez, Senior Regional Managers of the LAC region, and Rachel Wilkerson, Senior manager of Quantitative Analysis.

Regional experts and speakers included:

  • Dr. Guadalupe Gonzales- Secretaria Nacional de Energia / IEE Power & Energy Society. Panama
  • Marcelino Madrigal- IADB Energy Transition, Markets, Regulation, Power Systems. Washington
  • Silvia Emaldi- President- Chair UTE. Uruguay
  • Eduardo Melano- Advisor to EPEC Board of Directors and Representative for the Province of Cordoba in the Federal Council of Electric Energy. Argentina 
  • Dr. Raúl O´Ryan- Associate Professor Adolfo Ibañez University, Chile
Download the 2021 World Energy Trilemma Index 

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