News & Views

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Members Views: Aviation and Shipping in a Zero-Emissions World

Members Views: Aviation and Shipping in a Zero-Emissions World

Francisco Imperatore, FEL 100 Argentina, Malin Strand, Fossil Free Sweden, FEL-100 Sweden

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EXPERT VIEWS: Actioning energy visions using the Trilemma

EXPERT VIEWS: Actioning energy visions using the Trilemma

Sir Philip Lowe, Executive Chair of the Energy Trilemma and Martin Young, Director of Policy & Risk, World Energy Council

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MEMBER VIEWS: Swedish Net-Zero Collaboration

MEMBER VIEWS: Swedish Net-Zero Collaboration

Malin Strand, Policy Strategist at Fossil Free Sweden, Future Energy Leader

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MEMBER VIEWS: Policy Reform for Energy Transition in Kenya

MEMBER VIEWS: Policy Reform for Energy Transition in Kenya

Lois Gicheru, Chief Executive Officer, Solafrique Limited

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MEMBER VIEWS: Enough excuses – the time has come for bold action and leadership

MEMBER VIEWS: Enough excuses – the time has come for bold action and leadership

Bennet Tucker, Board Secretary Future Energy Leaders 100

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MEMBER VIEWS: Innovation and Transition

MEMBER VIEWS: Innovation and Transition

Helena Kivi-Koskinen, Secretary for the Finnish World Energy Council Member Committee, Finland

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EXPERT VIEWS: Cyber Security and the Energy Transition

EXPERT VIEWS: Cyber Security and the Energy Transition

Antony Froggatt, Senior Research Fellow, Chatham House, London & Martin Young, Director of Policy and Risk, World Energy Council

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MEMBER VIEWS: My View on Energy Transition

MEMBER VIEWS: My View on Energy Transition

Burkhard von Kienitz, Vice President COO Processes at E.ON, Germany

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Interview: Dr François Moisan from ADEME on energy efficiency


Interview: Dr François Moisan from ADEME on energy efficiency
Mexican proposal could have profound impacts on oil & gas and electricity sectors


Mexican proposal could have profound impacts on oil & gas and electricity sectors
Connecting towards a single European market – WEC Romania conference


Connecting towards a single European market – WEC Romania conference
Interview: Mark Robson from Oliver Wyman on the 2013 World Energy Trilemma


Interview: Mark Robson from Oliver Wyman on the 2013 World Energy Trilemma
President Obama’s Climate Action Plan


President Obama’s Climate Action Plan
World energy problem: what Jazz and Symphony can offer


World energy problem: what Jazz and Symphony can offer
Interview: Hal Turton from PSI on World Energy Scenarios


Interview: Hal Turton from PSI on World Energy Scenarios
WEC supports UN SE4ALL global tracking report


WEC supports UN SE4ALL global tracking report
Interview: Vivien Foster on the UNSE4ALL global tracking report


Interview: Vivien Foster on the UNSE4ALL global tracking report

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