Africa Energy Indaba examined solutions for unlocking investment in Africa and scaling up renewables

24th February 2016

News ArticleAfricaInnovation

International and African experts gathered at the 2016 Africa Energy Indaba (AEI) during the week starting Monday, 16 February, to share their insights and solutions to Africa’s energy crisis, while exploring the vast energy development and investment opportunities in Africa. The annual Indaba is the foremost African energy event for energy professionals from across the globe.

The 2016 Africa Energy Indaba co-organized by the World Energy Council, SANEA, SIYENZA and NEPAD, attracted more than 600 high-level participants including Ministers and Deputy Ministers from Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Turkey and the African Union Energy & Infrastructure Commissioner as well as other energy luminaries from across Africa.

At the Indaba Energy Leaders’ Dialogue (IELD), the high level segment of the Indaba hosted by the World Energy Council, the Ministerial Roundtable featured the council’s Energy Trilemma dialogue along with sessions looking at Regional Integration, Unlocking Investment in Africa and Scaling up Renewables.

Also, 50 delegates from 10 countries met at the first World Energy Council Africa regional meeting of the year took to discuss the World Energy Council’s World Energy Trilemma and Trilemma Index report, plus the Issues Monitor, including the Africa Region map and national maps of Ethiopia, Nigeria, Namibia and South Africa. The event also played host to a World Energy Resources and World Energy Scenarios workshop which provided vital insights for our flagship publications due to be launched at the forthcoming World Energy Congress.

Also presented at the regional meeting was a white paper on African Regional Energy Integration which helped to inform many of the discussions at the main Africa Energy Indaba.

Unconvention Gas a global phenomenon - World Energy Resources FINAL_Page_01
The World Energy Council launched its report ‘Unconventional gas, a global phenomenon’, describing how growing supplies of unconventional gas has the potential to reflect a significant share of the natural gas supply globally.  See some of the media coverage on the report below:
Discussions held over the Africa Energy Indaba week will also pave the way to the Africa Day of the World Energy Congress 2016 in Istanbul, supporting global energy leaders, in these critical times of energy transition, by translating global objectives into regional and national solutions in order to secure a more sustainable energy future for Africa.

The 2017 Africa Energy Indaba will take place on the 14–15 February 2017.



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