Rewriting the Energy Story – Engaging People Power
The story of energy is the story of human civilisation, not a cautionary tale of good vs bad technology, nor a financial fiction about how to get rich quick.
Yet today’s energy conversations, whether global or local, remain polarised and overly focused on the supply-side: where energy comes from rather than how it is experienced and used. Energy literacy is weak across the world and energy transition roadmaps overlook the most important factor of change - people.
It's no surprise, then, that many feel disconnected from energy transitions, or disillusioned by false promises of fast, cheap and easy – and turned off by the jargon of Wall Street and the shorthand of energy experts.
Too often, people see themselves as passive consumers rather than active agents. Energy transitions can seem like something happening to and above them, rather than with them, where they simply foot the bill.
This latest Humanising Energy series, produced for the World Energy Council by BBC StoryWorks, offers a fresh perspective. It brings energy transitions to life through the eyes of those actively shaping them – on the ground and in the air – showcasing, real-world brightspots that enhance energy literacy and inspire action.
At the World Energy Council, Humanising Energy is more than a concept – it’s a call to action. There is no single transition pathway that fits all. While the direction of travel and important milestones must be shared, the routes we take will be shaped by local realities and diverse needs.
Learning from and leading with diverse regions is essential to making energy transitions truly inclusive and sustainable.
To mobilise a new world energy movement, we actively listen to diverse voices, clarify choices and foster many and new ways of collaborating.
Leaders have a responsibility to shape transformational strategies that cut across borders, sectors and communities – because the challenges belong to us, and so do the solutions.
Focusing on one priority – whether energy security, affordability, or environmental sustainability – can lead to unintended consequences. The World Energy Trilemma framework helps us to navigate these tensions and trade-offs and discover powerful new synergies. We explore its role in our latest animated explainer, a must-watch addition to the series.
With now over 50 stories across three seasons, our partnership with BBC Storyworks was born from a simple, shared goal: to put people back at the centre of energy conversations and highlight how they are responding to climate change risks and sustainable development opportunities.
Stories inspire human creativity - especially when they help us to image a better future. The story of energy transitions is ultimately the story of all of us. And, through these films, we see that we are not just characters in this unfolding narrative – we are its authors.
Authorship is not just about telling stories – it’s about creating stories that drive action and expand our sense of agency. These films show people taking charge, making choices and leading change in ways that can be replicated and scaled. They are not simply responding to energy transitions challenges – they are actively forging new pathways that others can learn from. By focusing on real people and human agency rather than distant hypotheticals, we can unlock truly transformational change.
Hope has always been the greatest accelerator of human progress. And hope grows when we see real, tangible solutions taking root and spreading. When I watch these films, I feel inspired, with a renewed sense of excitement about the power of human agency and collective action.
I hope you will also enjoy the latest films!