China learns from Germany

15th June 2015

News ArticleGlobalPolicy

Schiffer China image
Dr. Hans-Wilhelm Schiffer, the Executive Chair of the World Energy Resources programme of the World Energy Council, London came to Peking University Cafe 1898 to give a keynote speech on ‘German energy policy - its impact nationally and across Europe'.

In the audience there were university academia, the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation, power and environment industry senior players from companies such as China Power Investment Corp., China Poly Group Corp., as well as the Chinese government, who were represented by the National Development and Reform Commission, China’s Energy Administration.

The Peking University Cafe 1898 is named after the founding of Peking University (PKU), and is the first coffee house in China with the theme of alumni entrepreneurship. After presenting a comparison of the key energy data for China and Germany, Dr. Schiffer presented the status quo and development trends for energy production, consumption and tariff composition in Germany, focussing on the impact that closing nuclear power plants and developing PV plants is having in Germany nationally as well as across Europe.

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