Dominican Republic’s energy ministry joins World Energy Council

18th February 2015

Press ReleaseLatin America Member Committees

The Dominican Republic’s Ministry of Energy and Mines has joined as a member of the World Energy Council in a meeting held on 30 January.

Pelegrin Horacio Castillo Semán, Minister of Energy and Mines for the Dominican Republic (center) with José Antonio Lleras, WEC vice-Chair for Latin America and the Caribbean to his left
[Pelegrín Horacio Castillo Semán, Minister of Energy and Mines for the Dominican Republic (centre) with José Antonio Vargas Lleras, WEC Vice-Chair for Latin America and the Caribbean to his left]

Pelegrín Horacio Castillo Semán, Minister of Energy and Mines, commented:
“Joining the World Energy Council is undeniably important as it will enable many interesting developments and is the main focus of public policy under our responsibility.”

The ministry sees being a member of the Council as a first step towards the creation of a member committee in the country.

“We are confident that by coordinating efforts and triggering synergies we will find a solution in which the spirit of cooperation and continental integration will crystallise energy to be an effective instrument of equity and social inclusion, in harmony with environmental preservation,” said Minister Castillo.

The ministry sees the Council as the ideal platform to debate energy challenges and discuss the critical energy and environmental situation for the Caribbean state, which shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti.

Minister Castillo said that the extensive use of firewood and coal in marginal zones throughout the island presents the most serious environmental challenge for both countries. It is therefore urgent, he added, to form policies that support the development of alternative, clean, and renewable energies.

The news of the Ministry’s membership came just days after the Dominican Republic announced its new national energy reform programme: the Electrical Pact. The Pact seeks to overcome many of the country’s supply challenges while ensuring the electrical system is reliable, competitive and sustainable.

José Antonio Vargas Lleras, WEC Vice-Chair for Latin America and the Caribbean, said:
“The Dominican Republic has considered the principal aspects of the energy trilemma in its Electric Pact, seeking to build a sustainable energy system by working to increase access to energy among its population and secure its energy supply, all under strict environmental standards. This highlights the importance and relevance of this country to the World Energy Council.”
  • The Dominican Republic’s ranking in the 2014 Energy Trilemma Index can be found here.

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