“Estonia is living proof that the oil shale industry can be viable long-term, and has remained so throughout the last century. Estonia is the largest oil shale processor in the world, and we have proven technologies for producing of both electricity and oil. In addition to developing the world´s largest oil shale industry in Estonia, we are able to export our unique know-how to other resource holding countries,” said Mr Sutter.
2016 is a milestone year for Estonia’s oil shale industry: it marks 100 years since oil shale mining began, and oil shale has been the subject of scientifically based research during the same length of time.
Professor Volli Kalm, Rector of the University of Tartu, said: “Scientific research on oil shale, carried out with the help of Estonian universities, enables the Government to make well-informed decisions, so that – through creating new jobs and promoting innovation in the energy sector – our society could continue to benefit from oil shale in the future.”
“When it comes to Estonian research and technology, oil shale science is indisputably world-class – a discussion of the field’s global future presents a big challenge, and opportunity, for all our researchers and engineers,” observed Jaak Aaviksoo, academician and Rector of the Tallinn University of Technology. The first oil shale conference was held in Estonia in 1968, at the Tallinn University of Technology. Most recently, Estonia hosted an international oil shale symposium in 2013, with 400 industry professionals from 33 countries attending.
The symposium´s panel sessions will be held in Tallinn at Kultuurikatel (Tallinn Creative Hub) on 20 and 21 April. A field trip will offer an opportunity to visit industrial scale oil shale facilities - the 300 MW Auvere Power Plant, and the Enefit280, a combined shale oil, gas and electricity cogeneration plant, as well as an operational open cast mine.
The symposium is being organised in collaboration with the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, the Estonian Ministry of the Environment, and the Estonian National Committee of the World Energy Council.
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