Event Horizon 2019

2nd July 2019


Our Secretary General, Dr. Christoph Frei participated at Event Horizon 2019 in Berlin giving both a Keynote on Wednesday, June 19th and moderating a Plenary Session on Thursday, June 20th. You can watch the keynote on the link below:


Around 1,000 participants from over 55 countries - including more than 20 exhibitors, 20 start-ups and more than 110 international top speakers from the energy industry - came together at the Kraftwerk Berlin for the world's leading energy blockchain conference "EventHorizon" to present practical concepts and solutions for the future of the global energy market and to actively push the green energy transition.


The two-day event program focused on political, legal, regulatory challenges, new investment strategies and the potential of blockchain technology to contribute a trend-setting impulse to tackle climate change. Discussions such as the Peer to Peer Panel or the Demand Response Panel addressed the digitalisation of the energy transition and the "Regulatory Issues", which are particularly challenging for start-ups, and thematised also energy as a human right, the future of e-mobility and access to electricity grids. Usage data, access to business model control loops and access to basic finance were high on the speakers agenda.



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