Future Energy Leaders push for greater diversity

19th May 2016

News ArticleGlobalImpact Communities

The World Energy Council is pleased to welcome this year’s 35 new participants into its Future Energy Leaders (FEL) programme. The 100 energy leaders who are part of the FEL programme are highly motivated young professionals with a solid interest and proven track record in the energy sector with the potential to become a leader. Today they constitute an increasingly strong, promising and diverse group of young talents at the heart of the energy leaders’ community.

Compared to last year, eight more candidates from Africa and the Middle East were selected to join the World Energy Council’s FEL-100 programme in April 2016. Although Europe continues to have the highest number of FEL-100 members (37%), new participants to the group hail from countries such as Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Canada, Morocco, Chile. As the FEL-100 Nomination Committee continues to strive for more diversity in its participants, the group has also seen an increase in the number of women joining in 2016 with the percentage of female members rising to 33%.

Pirjo Jantunen, Chairwoman of the Future Energy Leaders, said:
“We were happy to receive a huge amount of applications, more than ever. Luckily, the quality of applicants was high as well. The selected candidates not only represent diverse backgrounds, but a lot of expertise and enthusiasm.

“Moreover, we have now more countries represented in the community than ever. The FEL-100 is working on several issues in the Taskforces and preparing for the Congress in Istanbul. It is great to have new members in our community to contribute fresh ideas and knowledge.”

The aim of FEL-100 is to develop a strong and active network of outstanding future energy leaders from all over the world. It is explicitly designed to identify talent, accelerate learning, inspire leadership and shape vision, as well as encourage innovation and development of solutions for tomorrow, supporting national, regional and international World Energy Council activities.

The World Energy Council’s FEL-100 programme participants are invited to contribute to the Council’s global energy dialogue, support the development of balanced policy frameworks and help shape energy solutions for tomorrow.

The FEL-100 group will have its own Congress programme in parallel to the 23rd World Energy Congress taking place in Istanbul Turkey, from 9-13 October 2016. In addition to attend some of the main Congress sessions, they will have the opportunity to participate to panel sessions, workshops and presentations tailored especially for them.


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