The event, Grand Energy Transition - The Latin American Context, will convene global energy leaders, including H.E Juan Jose Aranguren, Minister of Energy, who will address participants with a keynote opening speech.
In a series of high-level dialogues, participants will address topics and trends critical to the energy sector such as 'Regional pathways to a new and better energy future in the face of the Grand Transition' and 'Preparing for disruptive technologies and innovative business models'.
The Leaders' Summit, within the margins of the 2018 G20 Energy Transitions Ministerial meeting on 15 June, will also explore top issues on the G20 Energy Agenda such as access to affordable sustainable energy.
Organised in partnership with the Council’s Argentinian member committee, and national goverrnment, the Latin American Energy Forum is the principal regional event in South America.
The Forum programme will include discussion panels on renewable energy, energy efficiency, uncoventional hydrocarbons, and an interactive workshop on transparency initiatives in the extractive industry.