Love What You Do - A Lifetime in Energy

18th August 2015

News ArticleEuropeMember Committees

GB award
Dr. Gheorghe Balan, born in 1929, is celebrating his 86th anniversary and 62 years of continuous professional activity in the Romanian energy sector. Highly involved in all the activities of the World Energy Council Romanian National Committee for 47 years, Dr. Gheorghe Balan has been  honoured with the Diplomat ‘Lifetime Energy Excellence Award” at the Gala of Romanian Energy Awards 2015 for his commitment to work in the energy sector.

Dr. Iulian Iancu, Chairman of the World Energy Council Romanian Member Committee said: “Dr. Gheorghe Balan proves to all of us what it means to have time to live, to love, to work and to devote onself to the job one is doing. He has shown us that nothing is too hard when you are committed.  Under his leadership, during the last 15 years of the World Energy Council  Romanian National Member Committee, it has experienced wide national and international recognition, and all of us want to give him a big thank you”.

When asked about the secret of his youth, Dr Balan said: “One of my secrets is that I love my work. I have always embraced it wholeheartedly and looked for opportunities to work with other people who also love their jobs. When you enjoy working, then work is no longer a burden – everything becomes a pleasure, and everything gets easier.

“For me, the sense of responsibility, be it professionally or personally, has governed my entire life.  It is the only way I can show my gratitude to the people who have believed in me and entrusted me with top executive positions.  I hope I have never disappointed them.”

Commenting on his lifetime of achievements, Dr Balan said: “I am pleased and  proud that the World Energy Council Romanian National Committee is now recognised by the decision makers in the Romanian energy industry as the most representative non-governmental energy organisation in Romania.  Our Committee includes over 240 collective members amongst whom are the major private and state-owned companies in the Romanian energy sector, academia, R&D institutes and over 400 leading individual members from Romania’s business and civil society.”

Dr Balan continued: “However, there are many challenges that await us.  To name just a few, there is the Regional Energy Forum – FOREN, organised every two years by our Committee since 1992, which has become a flagship event; the implementation of the Common Collaboration Platform, a body set up and led by  the World Energy Council  Romanian Member Committee with other Romanian Energy NGOs in Romania; the continuous development of the Romanian FEL programme; our monthly publication “Energy Messenger” and the new biannual publication EMERG (Energy, Environment, Efficiency, Resources, Globalisation”) which is edited together with the General Association of Romanian Engineers (AGIR) a.s.o.

“We are in a position to successfully face all the challenges that await us, and I am confident that we will achieve everything we set out to do.”


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