Secretary General Christoph Frei visited key energy players in Portugal

7th February 2019

News ArticleEuropeInnovationPolicy

On February 4 the Portuguese Member Committee, APE hosted Dr. Christoph Frei, CEO and Secretary General of the World Energy Council, who traveled to Lisbon for several meetings.

The trip had as one of its objectives the presentation of a lecture on the energy transition entitled "Grand Transition, digital revolution & new energy realities", under the AMEG - Advanced Management in Energy, training program of AESE, developed in partnership with the Association.

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Considering the presence of Dr. Christoph Frei in Lisbon, the Association promoted a Late Afternoon Debate, held in the small auditorium of the headquarters building of EDP, under the theme "Energy in transition: updates on global innovation, trends & signals", which was attended by 30 participants, among APE members and other guests.

Between the two sessions it was also possible to hold a meeting with the Secretary of State for Energy, which addressed a number of issues, including the highly anticipated 2019 World Energy Congress in Abu Dhabi,

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