Sustainability and investment opportunities in Turkey’s energy market financing

3rd June 2019

News ArticleAsiaEventsFinance & InvestmentMember Committees

On May 2, 2019, World Energy Council Turkey convened a high-level event on the outlook for energy market financing in Turkey.

World Energy Council Turkey brought together representatives of the energy and financial sectors on the event called “Turkey's Energy Market Financing” in Istanbul. The half-day event, which featured a diverse set of international experts and energy sector leaders, was focused on two panels covering the subjects of Turkey’s “Financial Sustainability” and “Investment Opportunities in Energy Markets”.

The event was opened by Alparslan Bayraktar, Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources (MENR) and Chair of World Energy Council Turkey. Mr. Bayraktar highlighted this success story is possible thanks to political stability, increasing demand and access to finance recalling Turkey is undertaking a major transformation in energy sector for the last 15 years. He noted that “Current levels of asset prices offers the opportunity to gain new entry into the market.”

World Energy Council Turkey Vice Chairman Kıvanç Zaimler moderated the first panel “Financial Sustainability.” The panelists, Garanti Bank Deputy General Manager Ebru Edin, IFC Country Manager Arnaud Dupoizat, Akbank Deputy General Manager Levent Çelebioğlu and CEO of Bereket Energy Group İdris Küpeli shared their views with participants on cooperation opportunities in the finance and energy sectors.

The second panel of the day focused on “Investment Opportunities in Energy Markets” with the participation of distinguished guests from TSKB Project Finance Manager Tolga Kıral, EBRD Director for Turkey Arvid Tuerkner, Turkey Wealth Fund Deputy General Manager Çağatay Abraş and CEO of Kolin Energy Cantekin Dinçerler under the moderation of World Energy Council Turkey Secretary General  Mehmet Ertürk.



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